In just 2 short weeks, I’ll be travelling from cold NH to just-as-cold Boston to attend Distilled’s SearchLove Boston 2014 Conference. It’s 2 days jam packed with great speakers and sessions, all centered around a love for search marketing – a passion that’s out for my own heart.

I’m incredibly excited to have the opportunity to attend this conference. Designed a bit differently than a larger conference, like Inbound (another great digital marketing conference), SearchLove is designed for all attendees to see all sessions. Therefore, this smaller, more intimate conference ensures that you walk away the most information possible.

I’ll be tweeting throughout the conference about my experience there, and I’ll follow up with several wrap up posts on this blog.

Check out my live Twitter feed April 7th and 8th to read about my experiences.

Or follow up on my blog the following week!

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